Case Study: The Making of ‘Sky West and Crooked’ by Heather Edwards

Sky West and Crooked_indieactivity
Bob Bridges (Matt Jones) and Annie (Vivienne Rutherford) in a scene from Sky West and Crooked (2020) written and directed by Heather Edwards

A Case Study
Narrative | Dramatic Features
Film Name: Sky West and Crooked
Genre: Drama
Date: December 2019
Director: Heather Edwards
Producer: David Linke, Kevin Linke & Heather Edwards
Writer: Heather Edwards
Cinematographer: Shane B. Johnston
Editing: Scott Beatty
Montrose, CA & Burbank, CA
Production Company: Gemini Team Go
Budget: Approx. $15,000, (with many in-kind services allowing it to be completed)
Financing: text
Shooting Format: Red
Screening Format: 4K DCP
World Premiere: Santa Barbara International Film Festival
Awards: 20 +

Sky West and Crooked
Sky West and Crooked (2020) written and directed by Heather Edwards

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Heather Edwards (HE): 
Sky West and Crooked is a short film based upon a real-life experience of the director, Heather Edwards. While she was on a school field trip in the early 1970s at the local bowling alley, she ran into her father who had leG her family about 3 years prior. What sounds like a sad and tragic day was actually the opposite. Heather’s dad, Bob Edwards, set his drink down and showed his young daughter how to bowl and stand up for herself. It truly was the most exciting day of her young life but before she could share her first strike, Bob had slipped into the bar and wasn’t to be found. He’d done gone “Sky West and Crooked” and remained an elusive figure her whole life.

Tell us about the festival run, marketing and sales?
Heather Edwards (HE): 
Sky West and Crooked had its world premiere at the prestigious Santa Barbara International Film Festival and continued to screen at noteworthy festivals throughout the country; Bentonville, SCAD Savannah and Hollyshorts to name a few. The heartwarming, period drama has won several awards and has been selected by 4 Oscar-qualifying festivals. In addition to being a true story, Kevin and David Linke digitized Heather’s fathers vinyl record and discovered that every track fit perfectly into the film – as if it was a score specifically written for the film which was a key PR story when promoting the short.. Sky West and Crooked have recently been selected by “Film Shortage” with final release on the short film platform as the featured “Daily Short Pick”.

Give the full Official Synopsis for your film?
Heather Edwards (HE): 
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Heather Edwards_indieactivity
A scene from Sky West and Crooked (2020) written and directed by Heather Edwards

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Heather Edwards (HE): 
LOGLINE: The true story of a young girl (Vivienne Rutherford) who is forced to grow up when she runs into her absent father (Matt Jones) while attending a school field trip at the local bowling alley.

8-year-old Annie Abott Bridges has no doubt that her dad is still on a business trip, even though he’s been gone for 3 years and her bully never lets her forget it. While attending a school field trip to the local bowling alley, she runs into her long-absent father. She finds him with a lady that is definitely not her mother, knocking back a highball of whiskey on a Wednesday morning in 1973.

Annie enjoys an unforgettable moment with her dad as he teaches her how to bowl, proving to her classmates that he did in fact exist. The field trip nearing its end, Annie must finally stand up to her bully, lest her father sees her weak.

This is the director’s true story about her father and the random day she found him in a bowling alley. The story was brought to life with incredible performances from Matt Jones (Breaking Bad) and newcomer, Vivienne Rutherford. To add even more truth and grit, the entire soundtrack was created from recently uncovered recordings of the director’s dad’s band, Sky West and Crooked, recorded in 1973.

Development & Financing?
HE: Heather never shared the story of the day she ran into her missing father until recently. AGer hearing the gut-wrenching story, family and friends were more than eager to offer help in the form of capital so that this must-be-seen- short could be made.

Heather Edwards_indieactivity
A scene from Sky West and Crooked (2020) written and directed by Heather Edwards

HE: GTG knew from the beginning that production needed to be broken up into two intervals. Principal photography began at a vintage bowling alley in Montrose, California for two days, finishing up at a small bar across the street for an easy company move. The additional scenes required a 1970s school bus which we couldn’t secure until a month later so we did two more days of filming around an old neighbourhood in Burbank, California four weeks later.

Festival Preparation & Strategy?
HE: Gemini Team Go had made a previous short film that had a long festival run, earning over 20 laurels but none of the screenings was the large exposure type of festivals. It was decided early on with Sky West and Crooked that in order to have a bigger reach than a well-known, working actor needed to be the cast as the lead. Kevin Linke (Gemini Team Go producer) remembered an actor from a production that he had previously been on in New Mexico but could not put a name to the face. AGer some internet searching he found a video of Matt Jones singing at his Step-Father’s funeral. Immediately, GTG knew they had found their lead as they needed a commanding actor with amazing musical abilities. Lucky for GTG, Matt responded to the script and was prepped on the music and ready to go immediately. His performance of portraying the director’s father is other-worldly and the final scene with his live performance is heartbreakingly perfect.

The Release?
HE: Gemini Team Go planned to have the world premiere occur at a next-level festival. As luck would have it, Sky West and Crooked became an official selection for the Oscar-qualifying Santa Barbara International Film Festival; such a great opportunity and amazing timing as Covid-19 soon hit and the remaining scheduled festivals have all been virtual. It was a fun moment for the team to screen their film and have the local Santa Barbara press be so excited about Breaking Bad’s “Badger” (Matt Jones) coming to the festival in a new type of performance.

Sky West and Crooked_indieactivity
A scene from Sky West and Crooked (2020) written and directed by Heather Edwards

Advice from the Filmmaker?
HE: There is ALWAYS a way to get things done. You will experience so many moments that will not go the way you had planned. Take each one of those situations as an opportunity to look at the problem/scene/situation with fresh eyes – the solution will usually be better than what you had previously believed to be the best option.

Tell us what you think of the Case Study for Sky West and Crooked What do you think of it? Let’s have your comments below and/or on Facebook or Instagram! Or join me on Twitter.

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About Michael

I review films for the independent film community