Confessions of a Catholic Single Highlights Joys, Sufferings and Foibles of Dating in The Modern World

Los Angeles, CA – August 30, 2022 – D.A.S.H. Entertainment announces the release of Confessions of a Catholic Single, a seven-episode audio sitcom written, directed and produced by Erin R. Dooley.

Born out of real life experiences of show creator Dooley, the series follows the trials of Cecilia, a devout Catholic widow, as she re-enters the dating world in Las Vegas. At her side is Father Paul, her best friend since childhood; his younger sister, Agnes; and Demitri, her next door neighbor. “In life, if sometimes you don’t laugh, you are just going to cry!” said Dooley. “And after many conversations with friends about dating in the modern world, I thought we all needed a good laugh.”

Each episode is ten-minutes in length and focuses on the seven deadly sins: Anger, Pride, Sloth, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, and Envy. Single listeners will identify with various scenarios pertaining to single life such as setting up a dating profile and being stood up, while those in relationships will breathe a sigh of relief to not have to have to experience an unrequited crush again.

“Along with wanting to make people laugh, I really wanted to highlight aspects of Catholicism,” said Dooley, a cradle Catholic. “My favorite parts to write were the confessions. It was a time for some humor but also to showcase the beauty of the faith, and in particular the sacrament.” Beyond this obvious Catholic element, others are sprinkled throughout the series, with characters named after the saints and even the bar they frequent is named after Saint Augustine.

Catholics and singles everywhere will laugh along with the characters in the new comedy series. Leading the cast is Katy Bodenhamer. “Playing Cecilia in this podcast has been one of my favorite roles so far. I think so many people facing today’s dating culture will relate to her through lots of laughs and some unfortunate struggles. Erin did a wonderful job of realistically balancing the two.”

“Being a Catholic single can be brutal,” said actress Christin Jezak, who portrays Agnes in the series. “We all have horror stories about dating. There is nothing better than to laugh and learn from your experiences. When Erin asked me to be a part of this project, I was so thrilled and even more thrilled when I read the scripts which read like a multi-camera sitcom on NBC! What I love most about my character is her ability to bounce back and live in hope in every situation.”

“Working with this talented team in a fun, creative, and honest take at our search for true love – through life’s messiness,” said actor Charlemagne Rafols, who portrays Father Paul.

Confessions of a Catholic Single will be available beginning on September 21 on YouTube and other podcast platforms. Primarily a Catholic production, there were also agnostics, Evangelicals, and a Muslim in the cast.

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