COVIDREAM, a short film directed by Philippe Lebraud and Pierre Glénat, screenplay by Pierre Glénat.


This 13 minutes opus has been shot during the lockdown, in France close to Paris.

Pitch: Maria, a brilliant virologist, has disappeared without leaving any news. Her husband Enoch searches for her everywhere, but without success. He then gives an appointment to their two daughters, Caro and Maeva, to find out more. The meeting takes place in a park in the Paris area and the events will be full of surprises.

This film, shot in the middle of covid, opens a window of humanism and hope. It pushes us to come out of our isolation, to try to connect with others, to show our solidarity. Since it was put online on youtube this story has seduced many internet users who left us enthusiastic comments. The French and English-speaking press also reacted very positively with numerous articles.

A short film written by Pierre Glénat, directed by Philippe Lebraud and Pierre Glénat

Here are the details of the crew and cast: Philippe Lebraud filmed and edited the film, he also composed the music. Pierre Glénat wrote the story and the dialogues and did the location scouting and casting. The performers are: Caroline Lavergne is Caro, Maeva Rasolofoarison interprets Maeva, Pierre Glénat is Enoch the Father, Jérôme Fleury and Chantal Rakotomalala are the walkers of the park.

The Puster Art for Covidream

Tell us what you think of COVIDREAM, a short film directed by Philippe Lebraud and Pierre Glénat, screenplay by Pierre Glénat. What are you thinking? What more information do you need? Do you have any suggestions? Or did this help you? Let’s have your comments below and/or on Facebook or Instagram! Or join me on Twitter.

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I review films for the independent film community