Gina Stoj, Big-time Talent Manager, Believes in your Dream

Gina Stoj_indieactivity
Gina Stoj is a talent manager. She runs Gina Stoj Management in Australia & US

indieactivity : Where’s home for you?
Gina Stoj : Home is Australia.

indieactivity : And do you have offices in each city?
Gina Stoj : I have actors in Sydney and Melbourne in Australia.  But in the USA – LA and NY

indieactivity : How does talent management differ from being a talent agent?
Gina Stoj : In Australia we generally just have one rep – the agent.  In the US actors can have multiple reps.  A Theatrical agent, a commercial agent, and print agent and a manager.  For me – it is all the same –  I look after my actors like they are my family.  A manager generally has a more hands on relationship.

indieactivity : What are the basic skills you think one needs to have to be a manager?
Gina Stoj : I come from a business background so I guess my organizational skills have come in very handy. Passion I think is the key. A knowledge of the industry. 

indieactivity : And what do you think your strengths are?
Gina Stoj : I’m passionate – and that drives me. I am living the excitement through my actors. I also have a strong work ethic. I’m not in this for financial rewards, my rewards are seeing my clients succeed.  

indieactivity : Why management?
Gina Stoj : I’m an agent in Australia -when I started 17 years ago – that was the only option.  When I started in LA and NY it was going to be a challenge to do anything because I am not an American or living there.  There were going to be logistical problems with becoming an agent so a manager seemed the easier way in.  Though for some of my actors I am their manager, agent, mother….

indieactivity : How similar to Dustin Hoffman’s manager in Tootsie are you? Wait… was he an agent or a manager?
Gina Stoj : Wasn’t he more of a confidant and drinking buddy? He didn’t seem to push for his clients too much. Ha-ha! I do love that performance by Sydney Pollack though – who knew he could act as well as he directs!

indieactivity : When did you get into all this?
Gina Stoj : I started 17 years ago just by chance really. I was always a stage mom…I felt like I had my finger on the pulse at all times…so with my son’s encouragement I jumped in and here I am 17 years later…

indieactivity : What about acting? Was there ever any interest there? 
Gina Stoj : Haha. No, no… I’ll stay behind the scenes. I can’t sing, I can’t dance, and I can’t juggle so I’ll leave it to the real talent!

indieactivity : And do most of your talent appear in films… or is it across the board?
Gina Stoj : It’s across the board.  I think it’s good for actors to be involved in all aspects of the industry. 

indieactivity : Is there a client that you might consider your big break – one that’s opened the door for other opportunities?
Gina Stoj : Oh, there are many that have broken through -and consequently helped me score more and more clients – and I would need five pages to list them all. But we’ve had cast on every major TV show, it seems, from Deadwood to N.C.I.S! I’m so blessed.

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I review films for the independent film community