Interview: Dylan Stumer on ‘The Last Day’ as Lucas in High School

A short film about an aspiring musician and friend on the last day in an Australian high school.
The Last Day _indieactivity
Dylan Stumer (Lucas) and Hayden Parsons (Brandon) in “The Last Day”. Photo by Ian Ducao

The Last Day” is a short film from directed by Joshua Allan. The film is about Lucas (an aspiring musician) and his best friend Brandon at a brief moment on the last day at high school. We seat with Dylan Stumer who plays Lucas, and talk to him about his role in the film. Enjoy!

indieactivity: Hello Dylan, it is great to talk with you?
Dylan Stumer: Guys! It is my pleasure actually!

indieactivity: How did you get connected to the project? Did you have to audition? If you did, would still have got the part?
Dylan Stumer: I came across the casting call online, and after reading the story and each character – I knew I had to be part of this film. I auditioned, and about two weeks later did a chemistry test with another actor. We both ended up booking our roles!

indieactivity: As main cast on the film, how did this ‘choice’ work for you?
Dylan Stumer: I loved the audition process for “The Last Day”. It was so rewarding. From audition to chemistry test… finally getting the email saying I had the role was amazing. It brings me so much joy and happiness to hear that I’ve booked something – not just because I get to be bring this character to life, but because I also get to be involved with the story.

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Dylan Stumer (Lucas) and Hayden Parsons (Brandon) in “The Last Day”. Photo by Ian Ducao

indieactivity: What part of the story challenged you when you read it? What drove you to get on the project?
Dylan Stumer: There’s a very big reflection scene. I really wanted to show the audience what Lucas – my character – was feeling and experiencing at that point. He is holding onto some things, and letting go of others. It was this point that really drove me into the script.

The Last Day” follows Lucas, an aspiring musician, and his friend Brandon in the last few brief moments of their last day in high school. Lucas wants to pursue a music career, but due to his mother’s apprehension with that path, wrestles with embracing what his vision for the future actually is. When Brandon reveals that he’s moving away, the friends experience a moment of conflict. Brandon calls Lucas out on his indecision, which leads to him eventually deciding to embrace the path that’s right for him – even if that means saying goodbye to all he has known for the last 17 years.

indieactivity: You’re not new to indie films. What do you enjoy about the work that keeps you working?
Dylan Stumer: For me, personally, it’s the ability to create and collaborate. From other cast to crew and every process in between – we get to experience so much. I want people to learn something from the stories we tell and walk away having discovered something new; to think and feel differently to before. We get to do that ourselves as we make the film. It keeps us coming back again and again.

indieactivity: Give an example of a direction you received from the director during the production?
Dylan Stumer: Joshua Allan, our director, was awesome. Before we got stuck into an emotional scene, he would talk to me about it and really set what his intention was for it in my head. He was clear, but also gave me room to explore Lucas and what he meant to me.

indieactivity: How did you create your character from ground up?
Dylan Stumer: I took everything I had about him – parents, friends, school, music, guitars, lifestyle… I collected it and built Lucas’s shoes. I got to walk around as him and thought about the steps he was having to take – and the ones he was thinking about. BIG decisions but great ones too.

The film touches on some pretty universal things, ones that are very relatable for those in the ‘in-between’ of their life. Where seasons are closing and new ones are beginning. We are discovering who we are in those moments, and creating Lucas, experiencing that through him, was awesome.

Joshua also created a playlist for us – and that helped so much! Especially, since Lucas is driven by music.

indieactivity: As main cast on the film, describe the feeling of responsibility that you shouldered. Where you scared? Or did it fire you up? What scenes where difficult to shoot?
Dylan Stumer:
Lucas is an interesting character. He’s someone I wanted to explore. Being a lead can be daunting, but I just want to make sure I know what the character is going through and do justice to that experience. I want to give him 100% – to give the whole cast and crew my 100%. You have to when you work in this industry. It’s all or nothing. I get so fired up by it! It really drives me. Other cast members, Hayden Parsons and Katy Ferguson, were incredible too. That helps so much.

The Last Day Poster_indieactivity
The Last Day Poster

indieactivity: Explain one creative choice you made on set during production?
Dylan Stumer: There were lots of little things that I got to do. One day, I got to toy with a golf ball between takes and got to use it during shooting. It added an extra layer, some new texture to the character. Something Lucas was doing – some fiddling for inspiration and thought.

indieactivity: What did you take away from the film production?
Dylan Stumer: I came away feeling very happy. The story is extremely important to me – everyone in the world experiences what Lucas does at some point, in their own way. I want the audience to be able to relate to it. Change is hard and taking the first steps toward them is even harder.

But – we have to follow our dreams, learn from our pasts, and let go of comfort zones. I hope the audience sees part of their own journey in that, and can appreciate how far they themselves have come with many of their own decisions. I came away feeling so inspired and I want others to feel it too.

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indieactivity: What do you like most about the director, and his/her collaboration with his/her team?
Dylan Stumer: The team was amazing on this crew. Joshua Allan was spot on with every move he made and every creative decision he implemented. You could see the team work at all times! The crew had worked together previously, and the flow on set was easy. James Wong our producer was also incredible! And our DOP Phoebe Green was outstanding, capturing them beautiful shots!

Joshua also kept talking about the character, how Lucas might be feeling, and what he might do next. The clear direction made exploring the story much easier. It let me appreciate the journey just that much more.

indieactivity: What is next for you?
Dylan Stumer: Another film! I start in just a few days. I am so excited to begin a new project and bring another story to life alongside some wonderful, creative, talented people.

indieactivity: What advice do you give actors regarding what you learnt on the project?
Dylan Stumer: Don’t be scared and take those steps! Suggest the little changes you think suit your character better. Most directors, if not all, want to hear your input and understand how you read the character – and how you feel and interpret within a scene. Communicate and collaborate – creative things happen when those things combine!

Joshua let me explore Lucas and add my own bits and pieces to him. It brought the scenes to life and made filming that much better. I appreciate it so much.

Tell us what you think of the interview with Dylan Stuner for “The Last Day” What do you think of it? Lets have your comments below and/or on Facebook or Instagram! Or join me on Twitter @oladapobamidele

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About Dapo

I am a screenwriter and filmmaker. I am pre-production for my first feature film, Maya. I made four short films, sometime ago: Muti (2013), A Terrible Mistake (2011), Passion (2007) and Stuff-It (2007) -