Interview with British Actress Sharon Lawrence

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Sharon Lawrence always had a burning desire to perform from an early age but it wasn’t until many years later that her dream turned into a reality. Sharon remembers being fairly shy as a young child but her passion for performing was always bubbling under the surface and so after years of attending performing arts schools, going off to live in America for a few years, getting married and having children she decided it was time to “reignite her passion”.

indieactivity: Did you study acting?
Sharon: I had got to a stage in my life where it was a ‘now or never’ moment and so I seized the opportunity and auditioned for ‘Rose Bruford College of Theatre and Performance’, where alumni Gary Oldman, Tom Baker, Ray Fearon and Pam St Clement, to name but a few, trained. I attended their part-time Acting class under the uber-talented Tony James. I learnt a huge amount about performing whilst there and feel privileged to have been given the opportunity to train at such a well-recognised drama school. I am now fortunate to be a regular practitioner at the college and run lectures for the students.

indieactivity: What acting technique do you use?
Sharon: I don’t have a particular technique that I follow but use a combination. I put a lot of work into characterization and script analysis. I like to plan my characters emotions and then work out when/why they are experiencing these. I love improvisation work as feel this can make your character very real and in the moment. Some directors I have worked with prefer using this method as it gives such realism.

indieactivity: Sharon Lawrence has worked on the most popular tv shows: “New Tricks (TV Series)“, “PREMature“, “EastEnders“, “Mona“, “I Am Hooligan“, “One Way” and “Ransom’s Law“. How has each show impacted your work as an actor and your career??
Sharon: That’s a difficult question to answer as each one is different and I have learnt something from all of them – I haven’t filmed ‘Ransom’s Law’ yet as this is still in the pre-production stage but this will be a very exciting character to bring to life. I think every film I have worked on has been a good experience and learning curve and as an actor you never stop learning. Most productions are always good for networking and I have been lucky to have made some good friends and contacts in the Industry.

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indieactivity: How does the work you do on one show, say “EastEnders” compare to, say “Ransom’s Law”?
Sharon: Each production is so different, but ultimately I would say the speed of filming, scene set ups, rehearsals etc., were exceptionally quick on Eastenders, as this is a fast paced soap, and they don’t have the luxury of multiple takes. So, in that respect, it was quite stressful compared to maybe a low budget indie film, where you have the time and the space to create the character after talking it over with your cast members and rehearsing until you get it just right for that perfect take.

indieactivity: Let’s take “Eastenders”, for example, how did you prepare for such a role: the cast, the physicality the terrain, the climate, weather and the demands of the show?
Sharon: I like to give my all to any role I am given to play. The very first thing I do upon receiving any script is read it through two or three times. I then make notes on my character, as I go, working out the emotions I will be going through and drawing on any of my own experiences that correlate to the character. I like to try and be off-book as quickly as possible because that allows you the freedom to then make the character your own.

indieactivity: When you shot “Mona” how do you create that character from a script into a person?
Sharon: As above, once all these elements are in place that’s when the work can really begin on fleshing out the character. I have a great imagination and use this when rehearsing to put myself into that particular space in the script. I am completely committed so that once filming begins I can be totally immersed in that character.

Sharon Lawrence_indieactivity

indieactivity: How did you stay fresh on a production set like EastEnders?
Sharon: Staying fresh on set can be a challenge. It’s not always easy staying in character, especially in a particularly emotional or intense scene when there are lots of takes and breaks in filming. If possible, I like to stay in character for those scenes. It can also be hard to switch off once you leave set, especially if it’s a particularly demanding scene, but I try and read a book or watch a film just to take myself away from the character for the evening.

indieactivity: Describe a memorable character you played?
Sharon: There have been a few but a memorable one is ‘Suzanne Benjamin’ in Victims a feature by David Bryant that went on to be screened at ‘The Raindance Festival‘ and has recently been added to Amazon.

indieactivity: What do you want most from a director?
Sharon: I like to be given an insight to their vision of what they are looking for in each scene but it’s also nice to be given the freedom and ability to play with the scene. I guess collaboration is the key and to trust in each other that you will ultimately get the best possible take.

indieactivity: What actors do you long to work with?
Sharon: Ha, so many, but I guess my all-time favourites would have to be Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Sarah Lancashire, Anthony Hopkins and Jack Nicholson!.

indieactivity: Why?
Sharon: They are absolute legends and masters of their craft and I would learn so much from them.

indieactivity: What advice would you give to actors?
Sharon: If you have the overwhelming desire to act and you really can’t imagine yourself doing anything else then never give up on your dream. But it’s very important to never run away with the idea that it’s an easy option – you must be prepared for a lot of rejection, but also be prepared to have the time of your life, I feel very privileged to be doing something that I love 😊

indieactivity: Briefly write about your career?
Sharon: Sharon Lawrence started on this incredible journey a little later than some but feel she has been very lucky to work on some of the productions she has been cast in and she feel’s grateful to everyone that has given her an opportunity.

Sharon Lawrence has met some amazing people so far and hope to continue on this road, building up her portfolio of work in film and TV. She is very excited to be in pre-production on a couple of features and shorts in the coming months. Two features in particular which should be a lot of fun are a comedy/horror ‘Are We Dead Yet?’ which she will be filming soon and a rollercoaster of a thriller called ‘Innocent Candy’ which she is due to film over the Summer.

Sharon Lawrence feels lucky to have found a very supportive agent and hope they can build on her career together. All her work and news can be viewed below.

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About Dapo

I am a screenwriter and filmmaker. I am pre-production for my first feature film, Maya. I made four short films, sometime ago: Muti (2013), A Terrible Mistake (2011), Passion (2007) and Stuff-It (2007) -