Interview with Linda Scarlett

Linda Scarlett_indieactivity

Hi, I am Linda Scarlett. I love being a writer. It is very freeing. I have written two novels, Aggi and Queeny. But, I found what I really love, screenwriting. It is perfect for me. It allows me use all parts of my brain.

How would you describe your writing
My writing is dark and twisted, with love and hope. When I was little my heroes were monsters. They still influence me in the way I see the world.

How did you get into writing
I have always been a storyteller. I started sharing with the world a few years ago when I published my first novel, Aggi. I remember pushing the button to release “Publish”. It was so scary. The world didn’t end. My embarrassment of exposing myself went away, and I was empowered to continue. A class at the film school in Portland brought me to my new world of screenwriting (NW Film Center).

Did you study writing
I have taken several screenwriting classes, and a master screenwriting class. My last two classes were from Cynthia Whitcomb, a very successful Hollywood screenwriter who is now writing plays. My Master Screenwriting class with her was so valuable. It was only a handful of students. Each class was a read through of one of our scripts, with in-depth discussion regarding every aspect of it.

What is the difference between a screenplay and a play
The structure is different.

How do you turn an idea into a play
I have not done that. If I did, I would read every play I could get my hands on.

What do you do to get an idea into a play
Duncan. Duncan is a special character to me. He has a very relatable story. The title was “At Ease” this was in 2014. He has always had the best intentions but isn’t necessarily always understood. Great guy.

What do you do to get an idea, that can become a play
When I get an idea to turn into a screenplay, it usually starts with an opening scene in my mind. I then let it evolve into a storyworld in my head. I have a giant whiteboard on one wall in my office. I make a timeline and act sections and start to fill it in.

What wrong impressions do writers hold
Negative talk. I read and hear a lot of negative talk from writers. Be kind, and believe in yourself.

Do you often take courses in writing to increase your craft
Yes, I have been learning so much from Stage32. A network for people in the visual arts. They are a great source for information, classes, and community. Also, getting feedback from contests like BlueCat Screenplay. They also offer classes.

What books do you read
Right now, I am concentrating on reading scripts.

What do you do to keep in shape as a writer
I have a blog that I write a flash fiction, Friday Scary Story every week. I give myself an hour or so to think of a subject and write. It is a great discipline to create on the spot, under a deadline. I am active on Twitter. It lets me connect with others writers and people in the film industry that I learn great information from. My twitter name @ZotBakingCo, it is still named after a cookie company I had. I love cookies, and I love scary stories.

When you are offered a play to write what is your routine
It would be the same process as developing a new script, as I mentioned above

How do you develop a character in a script to be honest and believable
I put a piece of me in them.

What is the most memorable character you have created
Aggi. She is the protagonist in my first book. I still have people ask how she is. They are so connected to the character.

What do you want from a director during production
Have them let me know how I can make the project stronger. Or, participate in whatever way makes the story as full and rich as possible.

How do you prefer to work with a director during production
I would do whatever makes the whole project run as smooth as I could.

Do you get offers from Hollywood
Not yet. : )

What do you think a writer can do to get into the industry.
Never give up. Keep writing what is inside your heart.

Who is your favorite writer?
It changes constantly. There are too many.

My favorite writer makes me feel something. Makes me disappear in the world they created.

What advice would you give to amateur writers around the world.
Never ever give up. Believe in yourself. Always.

Briefly write about my career.
It is just starting. It is like magic.

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About Dapo

I am a screenwriter and filmmaker. I am pre-production for my first feature film, Maya. I made four short films, sometime ago: Muti (2013), A Terrible Mistake (2011), Passion (2007) and Stuff-It (2007) -