Interview with Peter Vincent Farr Jr.

Peter Vincent Farr Jr._indieactivity

I was born Peter Vincent Farr Jr. on Long Island, NY on September 9th, 1983 to parents Peter and Susan. I immediately moved to Brooklyn, NY where I would live till I was 3 years old. My family and I then packed up and moved to Staten Island, NY.

Family and Friends are everything to me and without them, I would not be the person I am today. I take pride in everything that I do. I strive to win and to be the best that I can be. I set my goals and expectations high and I dont let anything get in my way. I believe in going after your dreams and not letting anybody or anything get in your way. You should not let anybody tell you that you cant do something or that you are not good enough. I truly believe that Everything Happens For A Reason and if it is meant to be then it will be but you gotta be willing to work hard for it. You should live YOUR life and not live it through somebody else.

I truly believe I was put on this earth to make people laugh and smile. The misconception about me is that I’m shy but the truth is it takes me a while to feel comfortable with people and thats when I put my self out there.

Did you study acting
I’ve always thought about acting but it was when I attended college that I started to become serious about it. It was there that I took Introduction To Theatre which focused on Acting and Script Analysis and Introduction To Film which focused on Cinematography and Screenwriting.

I then went on to study with Jagger Kaye at CnC Studios in NYC. It was there that I studied Acting 101, and took an On-Camera Commercial Class and a Commercial Intensive Class hoping to get into commercials. I have very basic training in acting but I know that I need to continue studying if I want to learn and grow as an actor. It is essential for every actor to have a solid base of training before you step in front of a camera. It is to my understanding that people in the business such as a Casting Director, Manager, Agent Producer, etc will tend to look more at your training than your actual experience especially if you are just starting out as an actor.

Peter Vincent Farr Jr._indieactivityWhat acting technique do you use
At the present I have been using Method Acting, Generally, Method acting combines the actor’s careful consideration of the character’s psychological motives and personal identification with the character, possibly including a reproduction of the character’s emotional state by recalling emotions or sensations from the actor’s own life.

What wrong impressions do actors hold about acting
Acting is not easy..and not everyone can be an actor. It is not just about saying lines. Its the character and the emotion behind those lines that matter. It takes alot of hard work and preparation and if you are not willing to put in the work then this is not for you.

Do you take courses to improve your craft
Every Actor should Always be doing something to improve as an actor. Workshops, Classes, and Private Coaching are great for that. Do your research. Network with other actors..See who they study with..Learn as many techniques as you can. Audit classes to get a feel for the teacher and his/her style of teaching before committing yourself to a program.

What acting books do you read
Self Management For Actors by Bonnie Gillespie, Best Scenes for the 90’s by Michael Howard, How To Be A Working Actor by Mary Lyn Henry and Respect For Acting by Uta Hagen.

How do you keep fit as an actor
I don’t just watch movies and tv shows..I study them. I treat it like homework. and of course you should exercise. Physical Exercise helps your Mental Health. and lastly, Get rid of and avoid ALL Negative people and Negative energy. Positive Energy brings Positive Outcomes. I believe in “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne It is based on the law of attraction and claims that positive thinking can create life-changing results such as increased wealth, health, and happiness.

When you’re offered a role, what do you do next
I first find out all I can about the project so I can get a backstory..then I find out all I can about my character. Then if script is available READ READ READ over and over and over again.

How do you take a character in a script to a honest, believable and breathing person “Actors must be willing to get (emotionally) naked in front of an audience. If they’re not, the viewers can tell. Rather, it’s about not protecting oneself. It’s about listening to what other actors are saying — really listening — and having whatever reaction you have, without editing it or trying to save face if your reaction is embarrassing.”

How do you stay fresh on set
Go over my lines..If I have a dialogue, find someone on set I can go over my lines with. Sometimes you will find me cracking jokes with people on set. Other times you might find me by myself in order to stay in the “zone”. Just depends on how I’m feeling at the time.

Describe a memorable character you played
I played a character named Wesley in a independant horror film called “Final Curtain 13- The Confrontation” . It was my first speaking role as well as a lead role.

What do you want most from a director
Clear Direction..Let me know Exactly what you want and I’ll take it from there.

What actors do you long to work with
Wel its almost impossible to name just one actor so I’ll name some actors, male and female, who i’d love to work with. (in no particular order)

Male: Will Smith,, Leonardo Dicaprio, Matthew McConaughey,Robert Deniro, Ed Norton, Bradley Cooper, Channing Tatum, Jason Bateman, Jim Carrey, Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn, Paul Rudd, Dylan McDermott,

Female: Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lawrence, Angelina Jolie, Scarlett Johansson, Sandra Bullock, Kate Hudson, Julia Roberts, Emma Stone, Amy Adams, , Elizabeth Banks, Julianne Moore, Bailee Madison, Melissa McCarthey,Katherine Heigl, Naomi Watts,

What advice would you give to actors
Stay Positive, Stay Humble, Practice your craft, and above all..NEVER GIVE UP..If this is something you want to do, Don’t let anything or anyone stop you.

Briefly write about your career
You can find me in a New Western TV Series called BIG SKY sometime in 2015. Follow BIG SKY at the Official BIG SKY Facebook and on Twitter 

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About Dapo

I am a screenwriter and filmmaker. I am pre-production for my first feature film, Maya. I made four short films, sometime ago: Muti (2013), A Terrible Mistake (2011), Passion (2007) and Stuff-It (2007) -