Interview with Vivian Pondella

vivian pondella_indieactivity

Hi, I am Vivian Pondella. I a makeup artist. I started makeup artistry when 19. I had no idea that I’d ever be into makeup, but once I dove into it I realized how amazing and fun it is! I have been at it since.

Did you study make up artistry
I studied at Lu Ross Academy in Ventura and from there started working on student films, fashion shoots and private events.

What is your process like
My process for makeup is to emulate and achieve the characters look and what the director wants the best that I can!

vivian pondella_indieactivityTell us about the work you have done
I have been on many short films, mostly horror films.

Do you take courses to improve your craft
I try to educate my self every time I run into a stump in the road and look up tutorials online. I practice on myself and friends as well. I also attend seminars every now again to keep updated on what new types of makeup there is and new techniques

How do you combine music, producing and writing
I am a musician as well. I have composed for 2 films and a theme song for a television program run by Brooks Institute in Ventura. My production of music starts with the recording software protools and from there I build the song based on what the director tells me they’re looking for. I envision the song by viewing the film and understanding the energy and emotion of the scene.

How did you get into film
At first through student films.

How do you turn an idea into a screenplay
I never have made a screenplay. But I have made many songs based off of lyrics.

Explain your writing process
With makeup artistry the writing is more about drawing the idea out and coming up with different versions until you find the perfect execution for the character.

A Place Apart

A Place Apart

What advice would you give to make up artists
For makeup artists I would say to keep being creative and think outside of the box.

What is it like working in the Hollywood system
I’ve lived in Los Angeles my whole life so for me the Hollywood system is very familiar. I love working in a fast passed environment and being able to work creatively as well!

What would you change about the movie business, if you had such a chance
Direct more of the budget towards practical effects. I think with more practical effects added to a film it will draw the viewer closer and  make the viewer feel more apart of the story.

What do you want to be remember for
My attention to detail and creative output!

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About Dapo

I am a screenwriter and filmmaker. I am pre-production for my first feature film, Maya. I made four short films, sometime ago: Muti (2013), A Terrible Mistake (2011), Passion (2007) and Stuff-It (2007) -