Meet Australian Actor Morrison James

Morrison James_indieactivity
Morrison James is an actor known for his work on Einstein Himself (2022), Special Election (2019) and When The Water Runs (2018).

I began my love of music, singing and acting in junior school, at the age of 8 where I wrote, directed and starred in various school dramas. First time acting in theater was at the age of 10. Stayed in amateur Theater off and on until he was 19 years of age. But, the actual trigger for full-time acting came November 2013 where I had two small roles in feature length documentary. 

indieactivity: Did you study acting?
Morrison James (MJ): 
Working on 1938: The Dalfram Dispute November 2013 (My first ever time working on film) was like a bomb finally exploding in me where I decided – That’s it, this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. Mind you, I had been saying for about 7 years prior to this “I want to get back into acting” My wife used to say to me “Stop talking about it and do it, otherwise you will be an old man on a rocking chair saying I wished I had gone back into acting”

Yes, I studied Acting for Film & Television at New York Film Academy, Los Angeles – Graduated with MFA Class of 2014. Graduate Diploma in Advanced Acting Ensemble at N.I.D.A (National Institute of Dramatic Arts) Sydney, Australia – 2015. Multiple short 6-8 week courses and Masterclasses (Too many to name). Most were awesome where I learnt many more things which helped me grow.

Morrison James Drama Reel

What acting technique do you use?
Morrison James (MJ): 
I used sense memory when I was starting out. But, as I grew as an actor, I have adopted and learned a lot more from the Sanford Meisner technique. I also have studied and learned so many valuable tools from Anthony Meindl – AWAW. Overall, I tend to steal whatever works for me from all the various techniques. I hate the saying “a good actor is a good Liar“. I really believe that you need to believe the circumstance you are in yourself as the actor thus, you are believable.

You are an experienced actor. How much work: creative, energy or focus do you put into your scenes?
Morrison James (MJ): 
Yes, I am experienced now. But, you never stop learning and striving to be better, and better, and better again. I learn my lines inside out and back to front first. Then, I am free to experiment with the characters’ creativity and see what works. All my energy, focus and then some more goes into every scene I do. I have been told many times my focus is intense. As most of the time, I am so in the scene, I do not hear, “cut“. Like, I am in a dream state and have to be woken up. I guess that’s a good thing, because it is working.

You have worked on popular TV shows: Moriarty, Kecksburg, Beatrix Potter’s The Tales Of Peter Rabbit And Friends, Merlin and the Land of Mists, Hello Au Revoir, Where the Water Runs, 2:22, House of Bond, Hyde & Seek. How has each show impacted your work as an actor and your career?
Morrison James (MJ): 
The various TV series and films I have worked on have all been so different. Such a broad spectrum of genre and characters. Each has been an asset to me and my career.

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Morrison James as Premier Brian Burke in House Of Bond – 2017 TV Mini-series

How does the work you do on one show, say Demonic Doorways compared to another, say Eddyct?
Morrison James (MJ): 
Two interesting comparisons. Demonic Doorways I played a stern but compassionate Christian Minister who specialized in exorcism and demonology. In Eddyct I played an asshole bad tempered sex therapist. Demonic Doorways was a long shoot, smaller crew and great collaboration with the Director; myself and other actors. Eddyct was a large studio set with a stack of crew and other actors. It was a go-go-go type of shoot but still a lot of fun to do.

Let’s take Beatrix Potter’s The Tales Of Peter Rabbit and Friends, For example, how did you prepare for such a role; the cast, and the demands of the show?
Morrison James (MJ): 
Read the script multiple times. Lots of vocals warmed up as we all had to sing as well. Did about 3 rehearsals then went into studio lock down for a week to live record singing and dialogue.

When you shot Merlin & the Land of Mists. How did you create that character from a script?
MJ: Merlin and the Land of Mists
was Motion Capture & Voice Acting. Direction by Patrick was awesome. He told me exactly how he pictured my character and even had lots of concept drawings (which always make a big difference). Set was studio all green screen and a separate sound booth.

How did you stay fresh on a production set like 2:22?
Shooting 2.22 were long days 14+ hours. Fun though. I always drink lots of water. Some in between takes were quick turnaround, some were longer breaks. With those, I like to sit down somewhere quiet, by myself and just relax. I don’t really have a problem staying in character – as long as the shoot keeps moving.

special election award
Special Election Awards

Explain on creative choice yo made on set?
I recall shooting the Metanoia. I had a very emotional scene with my film-wife on the beach. The wind was crazy, sand blowing in your face. You know that feeling. We had to do multiple takes for points of view, camera angles etc. So, the emotion and tears needed to be there each time. We were going really well, then the Director’s phone rang, he decided to chat for 5 or so minutes. Then hangs up, looks at us and Cinematographer and says action”. My creative choice at that point was I told him to pull his head in. We now needed to get back into it all again. He learned that day the 30 to 60 second rule of the emotion staying with the actor.

Describe a memorable character that you played?
That’s a hard one. I have so many memorable different characters. I would have to say, recently, – Dr. William Fredrickson in the U.S / International feature film Deaths Sonata – releasing mid 2020. He is a highly intelligent Psychotherapist who is obsessed with one of his patients Charles (who happens to be a serial killer) Dr. Fredrickson intentionally sends all his other patients to Charles to be murdered in order to bait Charles to come back to him.

What do you want most from a director?
Direction, direction and more direction. I want the director to know what they want, and know how to communicate that to me as an actor. And, I really love directors who are focused and are in tune with the actors. I love directors who consult and work with you in the process. And I really get annoyed with directors who chat away on their cell for 5 minutes, or so, and then turn around as soon as they are ready, and say okay, lets go.

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The town hall set in Special Election

What actors do you long to work with?
Patrick Swayze (sad to say I missed that opportunity), Denzel Washington.

Denzel is in my opinion what it means to be truly a GREAT actor. He has worked so very hard to get where he is. He puts everything into every role he does. I know when I watch Denzel, I will believe him. He is so very talented, yet so very humble. He keeps his opinions to himself, but when he does say something in public, it is worth listening to.

What advice would you give actors around the world?
Work as hard as you think you can. And then, work harder. There is no magic overnight success. That is a myth. The magic comes from your hard work, dedication to your craft and what you create with other actors on-set. If you think you have learned it all? Give it up, you will never stop learning. Always be humble, treat EVERYONE on-set with the utmost respect.

Be careful where you train and whom you learn from. There is no shortage of on line so called acting coaches, who are quick to take your money. Audition as much as possible! Every time you self-tape & audition – you are training and getting better. Spend less time on social media and more time reading books about acting, watch a film – you are watching other actors act. 

Briefly write about your career?
So far, I have been really blessed for choice with the productions I have been in. And the characters I have brought to life. Multiple Feature Films, Short Films, TV Series etc. Such a wide variety from a wheelchair bound professor, Mafia Dons, Teachers, Detectives, FBI Agents, Hitman, Russian Mobsters to so many others. Too many to list, but all have given me such much pleasure and enabled me to have a healthy portfolio as a Character Actor.

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About Dapo

I am a screenwriter and filmmaker. I am pre-production for my first feature film, Maya. I made four short films, sometime ago: Muti (2013), A Terrible Mistake (2011), Passion (2007) and Stuff-It (2007) -