Meet Nicole DuBois Star of Teen Comedy Debunkers Inc.

Nicole DuBois_indieactivity
Nicole DuBois is known for The Shrink Next Door (2021), You’re the Worst (2014) and Debunkers, Inc. (2019).

Nicole DuBois, better known for her work as a comedian, is one of the stars of the September teen comedy Debunkers, Inc.

indieactivity: When did your film career kick off and how, Nicole?
Nicole DuBois (ND): 
I started getting into film at the end of high school. I moved to NYC half-way through my junior year to go to the Professional Children’s School. To train in theater, dance, comedy, and film. I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do but was drawn to film. Then, I got my first role in a feature film called Fu*k New York my senior year of high school. I think I only had two lines, but it was very exciting!

And did you frame that check from that very first official gig?
Nicole DuBois (ND): 
I don’t understand this question haha… am I missing something?

Looks like you’ve done rather diverse work – –  was part of the appeal of Debunkers, Inc getting to do something that young people and families could watch together?
Nicole DuBois (ND): 
I don’t know if the appeal of Debunkers Inc. was to diversify. It honestly wasn’t too far of a stretch from characters I had played before, it was just a more appropriate/family friendly version.

Nicole DuBois_indieactivity
Nicole DuBois is known for The Shrink Next Door (2021), You’re the Worst (2014) and Debunkers, Inc. (2019).

I didn’t feel like I was acting for young people, it honestly felt like the set of an adult comedy. But it is nice to be able to send it to family and friends and not have to worry about the content being inappropriate.

It’s also a film that doesn’t talk down to its audience. Was that immediately noticeable in the script?
Nicole DuBois (ND): 
Yes! I think that’s what makes the film accessible to the whole family. There are definitely some things that a child might not fully understand, which keeps it fun for the rest of us.

Did you yourself have any suggestions for your character or the script? Maybe the dialogue?
Nicole DuBois (ND): 
Matt Thompson gave me a lot of freedom to create the character. We did some informal table reads and rehearsals of the script before we started filming and some small changes were made as we got the script into our bodies and felt the energy of the scenes.

As far as the script/character goes, I love the way she was written and didn’t have a desire to change anything fundamental about her.

Nicole DuBois_indieactivity
Nicole DuBois is known for The Shrink Next Door (2021), You’re the Worst (2014) and Debunkers, Inc. (2019).

Are you similar to her, in any way?
Nicole DuBois (ND): 
Am I a secret agent undercover in a high school? YES! DUH! Vicky Lundin is very practical. She’s sort of the voice of reason with the boys at times. I think I have some of that in me.

Ever investigated something yourself? Any examples?
Nicole DuBois (ND): 
I went to a ballet summer camp when I was younger and we had the mystery of the stolen ballet slippers. Someone was taking this one girl’s ballet slippers and hiding them in strange places. The first time I think they were in the toilet. The second time in the vending machine. Then in the bathroom sink.

But I had a feeling that the girl whose shoes were being stolen was doing it herself, because she conveniently was always the one to find them. So I followed her to the bathroom… I know, I’m creepy… and I caught her! She was hiding her ballet shoes in a towel to bring them to the bathroom to… I guess put them in the toilet again? But I never tattled on her. So I just solved it for myself haha.

Have the producers got you locked in for sequels yet? Surely there’s a franchise here!
Nicole DuBois (ND): 
Yes, Ryan has promised 5 sequels, a series and a live Debunkers Inc. Tour! JK but I’d be down.

Tell us what you think of the interview with Nicole DuBois. What do you think of it? What ideas did you get? Do you have any suggestions? Or did it help you? Let’s have your comments below and/or on Facebook or Instagram! Or join me on Twitter.

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About Dapo

I am a screenwriter and filmmaker. I am pre-production for my first feature film, Maya. I made four short films, sometime ago: Muti (2013), A Terrible Mistake (2011), Passion (2007) and Stuff-It (2007) -