Production for Brandon Townsend’s Comfort Zone Reaches Halfway Mark

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Brandon Townsend’s Comfort Zone reaches halfway mark

Connersville, IN. After starting in September and filming for a few months Comfort Zone is now over halfway complete. The production for the new surrealist thriller feature film is past halfway.

“The production of Comfort Zone has been an absolute blast,” said assistant director and cast member Vigo Johnson. “The cast and crew really feel like a family to me. Brandon Townsend is a masterful director with an amazing, unrelenting vision.”

Comfort Zone marks the second cinematic collaboration between Johnson and director Brandon Townsend. After they worked together to produce the acclaimed 2020 short film Smokestack. Both are members of Doxby Films. A collaborative group of filmmakers established by Townsend and actor or professional wrestling personality Prince Paradox.

According to the group, production has not always been easy, and winter weather could bring a new set of scheduling and logistical issues. However, the group has very little worry that anything will impede the film’s progress, and having fun on set is part of the group’s method for success.

Watch #1 Production Diary for Comfort Zone

“For a film that has pretty intense subject matter, it’s been a lot of work as an actor to really dig down deep into those dark emotions,” said leading actor Thomas Casey Zellers. “Doing a lot of emotionally draining scenes can be exhausting at times, but Brandon has been very good at maintaining a fun atmosphere around the set when the camera is not rolling so that we can all find some humor and levity as we work.”

In addition to filmmaking, Townsend and Johnson are beginning their series of live entertainment variety shows by collaborating with World’s Finest Wrestling for an event, which will take place in February in Connersville, Indiana, and will feature several different forms of live entertainment.

“The entertainment industry is on the rise in Indiana,” said Townsend, “and we’ve reached a point where we’re able to expand business into other forms of entertainment. This collaboration with World’s Finest Wrestling is a great step forward for the industry in Indiana.

People in this corner of the industry are typically not given the spotlight on a Hollywood scale, so we want to do our part to showcase as many talented entertainers and independent artists as we can.”

comfort zone_indieactivity
Comfort Zone

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About Dapo

I am a screenwriter and filmmaker. I am pre-production for my first feature film, Maya. I made four short films, sometime ago: Muti (2013), A Terrible Mistake (2011), Passion (2007) and Stuff-It (2007) -