Swedish/British Actor Jenny Hutton Discusses Her Acting Work and Career

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New York, New York – December 17: Actress Jenny Hutton attends private screening for the film “Human” at XPOSED Gallery on December 17, 2022 in New York City. (Photo by Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images for Modern Loft Films)

Jenny Hutton is a Swedish/British award-winning actress. She attended acting school in both Stockholm and Paris. Apart from smaller roles and some lead roles in short films, she had no idea about the film industry.

She learned that commercials got you more money than film work, but it was clear that wasn’t why she wanted to pursue acting. “I didn’t care about the money and fame aspects at all which caused me to pull back a little in the pursuit of auditions”, says Jenny. She continues, “In 2012 I was called to an audition for the lead in a short narrative film that seemed very interesting”. 

“I was surprised because a film of this caliber usually just picked the lead out of a small number of already known actors. But once and in a while directors and casting directors do more extensive work of looking for the right actor. I got the part after they had searched in three cities”, says Jenny. The film, Pleasure later competed, and won a price at Cannes Film Festival.

Jenny Hutton Acting Reel

indieactivity: What acting technique do you use?
Jenny Hutton (JH): 
I have studied many different acting teachers and methods. I guess I do a mixture of them. The most important to me is that I represent the role as truthful as possible. I study and research and apply my own background to help understand and connect with the character. Then I listen to what the director wants from me. Working together, we mold our ideas and visions together (with the director having the last say, haha) and try to make the character and the story come to life.

What wrong impression do actor have about acting?
Jenny Hutton (JH): 
I think actors and film viewers have different ideas about what good acting is. So, it’s hard to please everyone. I tend to be very naturalistic in my acting, creating a documentary feel to certain films. I’ve been asked multiple times, if I was just being myself in films and even though sometimes that’s a compliment, I find it very rude to reduce my work as an actress to me just being myself…

A lot of work is being put into getting into character and making the lines and scenes as authentic as possible, I can assure you, it’s only work (acting) – I’m not actually a murderer, FBI agent, porn star, house wife, zombie evader or a spy…

The Poster Art for starring Jenny Hutton in the lead role

Do you take courses to improve your craft?
Jenny Hutton (JH): 
I do workshops here and there in different cities if the content and/or the teacher intrigues me. I love watching independent films and older films, films are such an amazing art form! I also usually have a script or an audition to work on. This craft is a living art and a continuous study and I always want to learn more and challenge myself in different ways.

How do you stay fit mentally and emotionally as an actor?
Jenny Hutton (JH): 
I love animals and nature so any activity that will bring me closer to that 🙂
Hiking, riding, bicycling, snorkeling, diving and awesome vegan food! Mentally… I guess the sometimes harsh industry constantly reminds me to be strong, grounded and humble.

How do you create a character from a script into a person?
Jenny Hutton (JH): 
I look for clues in the script who my character is. The different interactions and words used in different dialogues with the other characters. And, speaking like an acting class protégé, you look for your character’s goals and objectives.

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Jenny Hutton on set of He Belongs To Us

How do you stay fresh on a production set?
Jenny Hutton (JH): 
I usually want to stay in character as much as possible. Especially if I have an important or an emotional scene coming up. I don’t want to chit chat about the weather lately with a bored PA minutes before I have to get myself into a challenging space.

What do you want most from a director?
For them to be able to explain or convey to me what they want from me. I want to be able to nail the emotion they need for a specific scene, I want to be able to complete their vision. And I need their help to help me understand what they want.

What actor do you long to work with?
Kate Winslet

Why her?
She’s an impressive actress and seems to be a nice person too.

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Jane (Jenny Hutton) in Recoil

What advice do you give actors around the world?
Understand why you want to pursue acting, why you love it. I think it’s easier to keep up the hard work if you know your intentions and goals.

Briefly writer about your career?
Some of my favorite work are, the short film Pleasure, that competed in many international film festivals such as Cannes Film Festival, Sundance Film Festival, Stockholm Film Festival etc. And also another short film by the same brilliant director (Ninja Thyberg) called Hot Chicks.

Two interesting feature films I did while living in New York City were: Apocalypsis by Eric Leiser, another amazing director to keep an eye on. I play Mandy in HomeCooked News, which is a feature film (comedy) directed by Seth Daniels.

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Jenny Hutton training at location during Protocol 734

Two of my favorite projects in Los Angeles were: Entropy, a short film by intriguing director Jason Garrett. I’m excited to see the final outcome, it was an interesting script! I also played Vixen in Rudi P.I. By talented director E.C. Andersson. It’s available on YouTube, hopefully we’ll make more episodes soon!

Tell us what you think of the interview with Jenny Hutton. What do you think of it? What ideas did you get? Do you have any suggestions? Or did it help you? Let’s have your comments below and/or on Facebook or Instagram! Or join me on Twitter.

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About Dapo

I am a screenwriter and filmmaker. I am pre-production for my first feature film, Maya. I made four short films, sometime ago: Muti (2013), A Terrible Mistake (2011), Passion (2007) and Stuff-It (2007) - http://bit.ly/2H9nP3G